Dental bonding is a reliable dental procedure for repairing chipped, discolored, or cracked teeth. During the procedure, the dentist applies a tooth-colored resin material to the surface of your tooth to repair it. The resin composite is hardened with a special light, which securely bonds it to the damaged tooth.
The good thing about dental bonding is that it’s a simple process that can be completed in a single visit to your dentist. Besides, it’s an inexpensive way to restore your smile and confidence.
Dental bonding is considered safe and necessary for:
Fortunately, dental bonding is a simple and pain-free procedure. On average, a single tooth bonding procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes.
Similarly, very little preparation is required. In most cases, a local anesthetic isn’t necessary either. But it may be essential if the procedure is done to fill a cavity.
During the procedure, the dentist selects a composite resin that matches the color of the surrounding natural teeth. The dentist may need to roughen the damaged teeth’s surface and apply a conditioning liquid to make it easier for the resin material to attach to the tooth.
The dentist will then apply a tooth-colored resin and mold it gently to the desired shape and size. A bright blue laser or light is used to harden the resin material. Once the material hardens, the dentist will trim, reshape, and polish the repaired tooth to match with the rest of your teeth.
After the procedure, your dentist will give you some tips on how to take care of your bonded tooth. If you experience any worrying side effects, call your dentist immediately.
Here are the benefits you’ll enjoy with teeth bonding:
If you’re considering dental bonding, visit our dentist today for a consultation. Beverly Dental Group offers excellent dental bonding treatment. Depending on your condition, the dentist will recommend the best dental procedure to take. If dental bonding isn’t suitable for you, we can recommend an alternative cosmetic dental treatment.
Caring for bonded teeth is easy and straightforward. After a dental bonding procedure, you should:
Final Verdict
Dental bonding is a simple and reliable solution for a damaged or discolored tooth. While it may not offer a lifetime solution, dental bonding can last for up to five years if well cared for. Visit Beverly Dental Group if you’re interested in this cosmetic dental treatment.
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